You can do it through our contact form
This really depends on the size of your production and the equipment you are using.
Please talk to one of our fixers.
Yes. Nationwide and worldwide.
Most of the time, yes.
Absolutely, yes. Our group company Iberojapan is one of the biggest inbound travel agencies in Japan with huge connections with hotels all over the country.
Absolutely yes. We know them all. Tell us what you need and we will find it for you.
From our experience, renting film and camera equipment in Japan is better than renting it in your country of origin. Why? Because here you can get support. Talk to one of our producers or fixers and you will have your desired equipment ready in the room of your hotel by the day you arrive.
Our policy: 50% before you arrive (This is non-negotiable) and the remaining amount after you arrive.
We accept VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTER CARD, Money Transfers, Cash (USD, JPY, EUR) GOLD and Diamonds 🙂
We are on the higher end, but we will help you save time and money.
With all of our resources, we’re worth the extra bucks.
Yes, you can fly a drone in Tokyo but it requires a lot of paperwork.
We will assist you in getting permissions, but keep in mind that this process takes at least 3 weeks and comes with a fee.
Most likely, yes.
Nothing is impossible, but everything is really time-consuming when obtaining permits in Japan.
Just book your flight to Japan, and we will do the rest. We can send someone to pick you up at the airport. We can find you the best options for accommodation. We can provide you and all your team wireless internet access during your shooting. We can’t stop all the trains in Tokyo for your shoot, but we will definitely try it.
We are Japan Film Producers & Fixers Organization, a company that assists foreign clients with productions within Japan. Filming and shooting in Japan can be difficult. From getting permits to finding appropriate equipment and accommodation, the whole process can be a hassle, especially for non-Japanese speakers. What we do is organize everything you need ranging from pre-production to location hunting and permits, equipment rentals to accommodations, talents to artists We are your project middle man.
We do rock.